5 Easy Ways to Make Edibles at Home

5 Easy Ways to Make Edibles at Home. Easy-to-do recipes for you to make your own weed edibles at home. In this blog post, we’re going to share with you the five easiest things to make at home with edibles and cannabis.

Let’s start off with number one: cannabutter. One of the most common things to make with cannabis, it’s super easy to make. All you need to do is melt some butter, and as you’re melting the butter, you add a gram of ground cannabis into that butter. You keep melting it until it’s nicely infused with cannabis, and voila! You have cannabutter. It’s super easy and super simple, and a lot of people use it.

The second thing that you can make at home is cannabis tea using the cannabutter, which is interesting because I actually wouldn’t expect to put butter in tea, but a lot of people do, and apparently, this tastes really good. So, all you do is brew your favorite tea and add a teaspoon of that cannabutter into your tea. It’s a blend of something really delicious, warm, and nice.

5 Easy Ways to Make Edibles at Home

The third thing that we’re going to talk about how to do is Keith’s cookies. Keith is basically the extra powder that comes off of the cannabis bud or when you grind cannabis. Any leftover powder that happens, all of that can actually be used to make Keith cookies, and they’re really easy to make.

All you do is get that leftover ground, Keith, add in some cookie dough, bake it, and boom! You’ve got Keith’s cookies. They’re super easy, super simple, and very, very delicious, apparently.

Number four is I want to tell you how to make pot brownies. Okay, super easy again, but one thing that you want to make sure that you have is a brownie mix that uses foil because what you’re going to do is you’re going to heat the oil up, and as you’re heating oil, you’re going to add the ground cannabis to it. Then you’re going to mix that oil into a brownie mix, and then you basically bake it, and you have pot brownies.

The last thing that I want to teach you how to make is called a firecracker. It’s very, very, very easy. All you need are graham crackers, peanut butter, and cannabis powder, so ground cannabis. All you do is spread some peanut butter on the graham cracker, add some of the ground cannabis on top of it, slap on another peanut butter spread ground cracker on top to make a sandwich, cover it in foil, put it in the oven for 30 minutes, and then you’ve got this amazing sort of peanut butter brownie cracker sandwich with cannabis.

So, those are the top five really easy ways to make cannabis edibles at home. However, I’m sure there are more out there, and if there are, let us know by commenting on social media by using the social share buttons below. Let us know what you make at home with cannabis.

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