How To Roll A Backwoods Cigar

How to roll a backwoods cigar. In this blog post, you will learn how to roll a backwoods cigar.

 Let’s get it started for this rolling tutorial. You’re going to need the few things listed below.

  1. A pack of backwoods. 
  2. Any regular old pack is going to suffice, 
  3. A rolling tray 
  4. About 2.5 grams to 3 grams of dried cannabis. 

What I prefer for a backwood is it’s way easier to roll it. If you grind it up by hand, so use your fingers to crush it. All up. My technique is just to put it in between my two fingers and just crunch it all up, so you’re going to keep crushing the weed making sure that you remove all stems because if you keep the stems inside of the weed, it’s going to mess up the back wood for sure, there’s going to be holes all over it. It’s not going to be overall a nice time when smoking it.

How to roll a backwoods cigar

Another recommendation is that the stickier the bud, the easier it’s going to be to roll. So what you’re going to do next after grinding up the weed is open up the back wood? Okay, for some, this might be a tricky part, but what you’re going to do is try to follow the seam to where you’re in, so it starts right here, and I’m following it down all the way down to right here. I like to lick my thumb, add a little moisture to it, and then roll it up. This will prevent it from ripping and breaking down if it’s too dry because sometimes you get packs of backwoods.

I just run my fingers around it like so, and now, once you’ve got your back wood, place it down and look at the weed. Do you want it as clean as possible? That is super duper dry, and you don’t want that, so make sure to dispose of all the tobacco onto the leaf.

Okay, you’re going to try to find the side on which you’re going to roll it with okay, and it’s pretty Logical; it all depends on how you want to roll this side. Kind of has a part that’s extending beyond the back wood, so you kind of don’t want to roll from this side. But if I look at this side, this one kind of curves in and kind of keeps the same shape as the original backwood, right.

What you’re going to do is try to make it as rectangular as possible without destroying too much of the backwood because you want to keep it as fat and chunky as possible. So right here, I kind of like making it even by removing this little part right here, and what I’m going to do is give it a few licks. You can wet it with your mouth. Some people like to put water on top of it, then use any old napkin and pat it down, but for this tutorial, I’m just going to lick it because sometimes, well, most of the time, you’re not going to be able to add water to it. Now that you gave it a nice old slurp and got it a little moister, you’re going to add the weed; I usually add it from the top.

So this is the part from where you’re going to light it up to the bottom. Usually, I’ll add a bit more to the top and go down to the bottom. It all depends on how fat and long you want to smoke it. As I said, you need about maybe 2.5 grams to 3 grams of dried bud to roll a backwood.

So now you see, I got a decent amount of bud inside. Some of it is not too finely grinded up, but that doesn’t matter. Some rappers roll full nugs inside of the backwoods. So what are you going to do? Okay, press it down. You’Re going to hold it, so look at my hand in the video above; you’re going to use this finger and this finger to as support it’s going to, keep it nice and steady. So it doesn’t like falling over the same thing for this finger right here.

You’Re going to use this as support right here, you’re going to place your hand like this [ Music ] is pat it down with this finger and this finger, you can use your fingers. Your lighter, but just pat it down and pack it down right. You just want to pack it down kind of like a joint at this point. It’s the same principle. You pack it down now that you got it nice and packed down, and you think it’s nice and compact.

I usually start compressing it from where I want to smoke it. At it’s a lot easier, and I work my way up to the part where I’m going to light it up, so compress compress compress and, as you can see, already has The shape of the back wood. So, okay, I changed the angle a little bit just so I can show you guys a little bit better so, as I said, compress it down like this, so what you’re going to do is start with the side you’re going to put Your mouth on so I like to compress it and roll it all the way up, just a little bit and start packing it down and rolling right from side to side start with the end that you’re going to put your mouth on, press it down roll it Up. 

What I do is wet prematurely; the parts that are going to get rolled up that way stick a little bit better, and then I use my upper lip to tuck down the leaf of the back wood right here. So you roll up and tuck with your mouth; roll up and tuck. Then you got your back wood, nice and roll if there’s any excess part right here.

What I usually do is just do this (watch video), and you ripped off a part of the back wood and a nice backwood rolled up, so yeah. This is how you roll a backwood cigar. The tutorial itself is pretty easy, but you have to apply yourself to know how to roll a backwood. You’ll never be able to roll one. If you just watch youtube videos so, just apply it yourself.

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